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For our Trust news please follow our social platforms, which we will continue to update and share.   

Our family of schools update their own school socials throughout the month and enjoy nothing more than showcasing learner achievements to our school and wider community, providing information about upcoming events, trips, important school dates and much more!  

See our Social Cards, with clickable links to each platform.  Click, read, like & share! 

We're proud of our social spaces, it ensures that the school has a positive, safe and informative online footprint, enabling our school and wider community to keep up to date with news, events and activities across our school. 

Do check them out, there are lots of lovely posts, showcasing our learners and their school and extra-curricular achievements every month. Also, school kudos and an encouragement for local business support, something we're hugely proud of here at South Downs Learning Trust.   

If your child(ren) have achieved something outside of school, possibly at an extra-curricular club or through a community team, and you would like their school to give them a shout-out and acknowledge their hard work and commitment, then get in touch with Lucie Hamblin, our PR/Communications Lead, on : and she will happily highlight to our school Headteachers and share across our school news and social platforms.