The aim of our trust is to provide an outstanding educational experience for all learners. We believe this is their entitlement and, therefore, learner focus is at the forefront of all that we do.
Our aim is that all schools in the South Downs Learning Trust create an environment that suits all types of learners, providing an education that recognises the needs of all our young people, no matter what their gift or talent may be. The focus of our efforts is quite firmly in the classroom, developing minds and challenging thinking; we strive for excellence in all that we do.
Our local school communities have been working closely together for some time and our learners have already benefitted from this collaboration and local Eastbourne partnership.
We want to build upon this established foundation and, importantly, further our localised community relationships. Our trust schools will retain their own unique identity and autonomy. We want to work closely with our school headteachers by focusing on how we can help support their school improvement areas.
We can do this by sharing expertise, offering support and pooling our resources in order to optimise strength, sustainability and successful strategic planning. We want to remain community focused and stay local, thus making the trust and its partnerships more sustainable for the future.
We will help develop a sustainable and exciting educational experience that places our learners at the centre of all we do. This will be strengthened by working collaboratively with our local school communities and further supported by professional, localised relationships with the common goal of Achieving Success Together.